Ultramarine battle tank legion
Ultramarine battle tank legion

ultramarine battle tank legion

Similarly, Locutarus Storm Squads (no model yet, so you'd have to convert) are a pretty solid MEQ melting unit - just keep them away from anything that doesn't have a 3+ save, stick a jump pack Chaplain with them for rerolls, and you've got a quick, rather durable unit that can really put the hurt on anything with a 3+ save.īut, for lore appropriate, Ultramarine were generally a very well rounded Legion.

ultramarine battle tank legion

I'd certainly recommend at least two 10 man Tacticals, and maybe even a third if you want to access to the Logos Lectora RoW. With 2 BaC boxes, you can actually make small support squads too - going for a unit of Tactical Support with plasma guns is fun, and missile launchers aren't a bad source of emergency anti-tank/anti-air. Invictarus are awesome, if you can, an Apothecary in the squad is a big help.

Ultramarine battle tank legion